Fuel Your Nervous System, Eat Healthier Foods

Every Body is Different

You should eat what is right for your body. There is no single diet that works for everyone. We recommend finding what works best for you.

Start Writing it Down

Food journals are a free way to track your eating habits; document what you eat for each meal of the day and document how you felt before and after the meal.

What to Eat

On a cellular level, your nervous system is primarily composed of fat and small protein molecules called amino acids. The foods listed below contain high levels of the nutrients, such as the healthy fats and proteins your nervous system needs to thrive.

  • Tuna, Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, Herring, Anchovies, Grass-Fed Beef, Checken, Eggs, Bone Broth
  • Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans, Pumpkin Seeds, Brazil Nuts, Apricot Seeds
  • Chickpeas, non-GMO Soy
  • Spinach, Beets, Sweet Potatoes, Broccoli, Swiss Chard, Kale, Cilantro, Parsley
  • Avocados, All berries, Pineapple, Apricots

Extras to add to your menu or cook with:

  • Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Ghee (Clarified Butter), Avocado Oil
  • raw Cacao or Dark Chocolate, Turmeric, Cayenne Pepper, Cinnamon, Ginger, Thyme, Rosemary, Sage, and Oregano

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